Welcome to s k y's Drama List
Currently Watching
Title | Score | Progress |
Café Minamdang Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/18 |
Crash Landing on You Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/16 |
From Now On, Showtime! Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/16 |
Mr. Plankton Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/10 |
Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning Japanese Movie | 0.0 | 0/1 |
Twenty-Five Twenty-One Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/16 |
You're So Precious to Me Korean Movie | 0.0 | 0/1 |
Your Eyes Tell Japanese Movie | 0.0 | 0/1 |
Title | Score | Progress |
18 Again Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
20th Century Girl Korean Movie | 9.0 | 1/1 |
2gether Thai Drama | 8.5 | 13/13 |
A Love So Beautiful Korean Drama | 6.0 | 24/24 |
Abyss Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Alchemy of Souls Korean Drama | 10 | 20/20 |
Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Light and Shadow Korean Drama | 10 | 10/10 |
All of Us Are Dead Korean Drama | 8.0 | 12/12 |
Angel's Last Mission: Love Korean Drama | 7.5 | 32/32 |
As Long as We Both Shall Live Japanese Movie | 10 | 1/1 |
Bad and Crazy Korean Drama | 10 | 12/12 |
Business Proposal Korean Drama | 10 | 12/12 |
Connect Korean Drama | 9.5 | 6/6 |
Crazy Love Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Death's Game Korean Drama | 9.5 | 4/4 |
Death's Game Part 2 Korean Drama | 10 | 4/4 |
Doom at Your Service Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Even if This Love Disappears From the World Tonight Japanese Movie | 10 | 1/1 |
Extracurricular Korean Drama | 8.0 | 10/10 |
Extraordinary Attorney Woo Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Extraordinary You Korean Drama | 10 | 32/32 |
F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers Thai Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Flower of Evil Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Ghost Doctor Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Go Ahead Chinese Drama | 8.5 | 46/46 |
Goblin Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Happiness Korean Drama | 10 | 12/12 |
He Is Psychometric Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Hierarchy Korean Drama | 8.5 | 7/7 |
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Hotel del Luna Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Hwarang Korean Drama | 7.5 | 20/20 |
I'm Not a Robot Korean Drama | 7.0 | 32/32 |
Imitation Korean Drama | 9.0 | 12/12 |
It's Okay to Not Be Okay Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Itaewon Class Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
King the Land Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
KinnPorsche Thai Drama | 9.0 | 14/14 |
Love Alarm Korean Drama | 7.0 | 8/8 |
Lovely Runner Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Marry My Husband Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Melting Me Softly Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Meow, the Secret Boy Korean Drama | 8.0 | 24/24 |
Meteor Garden Chinese Drama | 5.0 | 50/50 |
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Korean Drama | 8.5 | 20/20 |
Mr. Queen Korean Drama | 10 | 20/20 |
My Demon Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
My ID Is Gangnam Beauty Korean Drama | 6.0 | 16/16 |
My Roommate Is a Gumiho Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
No Gain, No Love Korean Drama | 9.5 | 12/12 |
Old Fashion Cupcake Japanese Drama | 8.5 | 5/5 |
On Your Wedding Day Korean Movie | 9.5 | 1/1 |
Our Secret Diary Japanese Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
Pinocchio Korean Drama | 8.5 | 20/20 |
Plus & Minus Taiwanese Drama | 0.0 | 12/12 |
Queen of Tears Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung Korean Drama | 9.0 | 40/40 |
Run On Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
Sassy Go Go Korean Drama | 8.5 | 12/12 |
School 2021 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Secret Royal Inspector Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Semantic Error Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Sh**ting Stars Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Silent Japanese Drama | 9.0 | 11/11 |
So I Married an Anti-Fan Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Soulmate Korean Movie | 10 | 1/1 |
Soundtrack #1 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 4/4 |
Spice up Our Love Korean Drama | 9.5 | 2/2 |
Splash Splash LOVE Korean Special | 6.0 | 2/2 |
Start-Up Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Still 2gether Thai Special | 6.0 | 5/5 |
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Sweet Home Korean Drama | 8.0 | 10/10 |
Sweet Revenge Korean Drama | 9.5 | 22/22 |
Sweet Revenge Season 2 Korean Drama | 9.0 | 32/32 |
The Atypical Family Korean Drama | 9.0 | 12/12 |
The Beauty Inside Korean Movie | 8.5 | 1/1 |
The Glory Korean Drama | 10 | 8/8 |
The Glory Part 2 Korean Drama | 10 | 8/8 |
The Good Bad Mother Korean Drama | 8.0 | 14/14 |
The Heavenly Idol Korean Drama | 9.0 | 12/12 |
The Judge from Hell Korean Drama | 10 | 14/14 |
The Secret Romantic Guesthouse Korean Drama | 8.0 | 18/18 |
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
The Sound of Magic Korean Drama | 9.5 | 6/6 |
The Sweet Blood Korean Drama | 6.0 | 15/15 |
The Uncanny Counter Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
The Uncanny Counter Season 2: Counter Punch Korean Drama | 10 | 12/12 |
The Untamed Chinese Drama | 7.5 | 50/50 |
Tinted with You Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Tomorrow Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
True Beauty Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Twinkling Watermelon Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Vincenzo Korean Drama | 10 | 20/20 |
W Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Wedding Impossible Korean Drama | 7.0 | 12/12 |
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
While You Were Sleeping Korean Drama | 10 | 32/32 |
Who Are You: School 2015 Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Wish You: Your Melody From My Heart (Movie) Korean Movie | 0.0 | 1/1 |
Youth of May Korean Drama | 10 | 12/12 |
Plan to Watch
Title | Episode | Priority |
A Poem a Day Korean Drama | 16 | |
A Taxi Driver Korean Movie | 1 | |
Because of You Taiwanese Drama | 10 | |
Because This Is My First Life Korean Drama | 16 | |
Beyond Evil Korean Drama | 16 | |
Bloodhounds Korean Drama | 8 | |
Bring It On, Ghost Korean Drama | 16 | |
Call It Love Korean Drama | 16 | |
Cherry Magic Thai Drama | 12 | |
Cityboy_Log airing Korean TV Show | 33 | |
Class of Lies Korean Drama | 16 | |
D.P. Korean Drama | 6 | |
Descendants of the Sun Korean Drama | 16 | |
Flex X Cop Korean Drama | 16 | |
Hope Korean Movie | 1 | |
Hospital Playlist Korean Drama | 12 | |
Just Between Lovers Korean Drama | 16 | |
Kill Me, Heal Me Korean Drama | 20 | |
Lawless Lawyer Korean Drama | 16 | |
Light on Me Korean Drama | 16 | |
Love Between Fairy and Devil Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Love with Flaws Korean Drama | 32 | |
Melancholia Korean Drama | 16 | |
Move to Heaven Korean Drama | 10 | |
Moving Korean Drama | 20 | |
My First First Love Korean Drama | 8 | |
My Holo Love Korean Drama | 12 | |
My Love from the Star Korean Drama | 21 | |
New Life Begins Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Parasite Korean Movie | 1 | |
Prison Playbook Korean Drama | 16 | |
Reborn Rich Korean Drama | 16 | |
Reply 1988 Korean Drama | 20 | |
Revenant Korean Drama | 12 | |
Romance Is a Bonus Book Korean Drama | 16 | |
Rookie Cops Korean Drama | 16 | |
Save Me Korean Drama | 16 | |
Secret Royal Inspector & Joy Korean Drama | 16 | |
Show Me Love Thai Drama | 9 | |
Suspicious Partner Korean Drama | 40 | |
Sweet Stranger and Me Korean Drama | 16 | |
Taxi Driver Korean Drama | 16 | |
The Forbidden Marriage Korean Drama | 12 | |
The One and Only Korean Drama | 16 | |
The Red Sleeve Korean Drama | 17 | |
Through the Darkness Korean Drama | 12 | |
Touch Your Heart Korean Drama | 16 | |
Trillion Game Japanese Drama | 10 | |
Vagabond Korean Drama | 16 | |
When I Fly Towards You Chinese Drama | 24 |
Title | Score | Progress |
At a Distance, Spring Is Green Korean Drama | 7.5 | 8/12 |
Big Mouth Korean Drama | 0.0 | 14/16 |
Broker Chinese Drama | 0.0 | 0/42 |
Dali and the Cocky Prince Korean Drama | 10 | 3/16 |
Moonlight Chinese Drama | 0.0 | 8/36 |
More Than Friends Korean Drama | 5.5 | 14/16 |
Our Beloved Summer Korean Drama | 0.0 | 12/16 |
Record of Youth Korean Drama | 0.0 | 1/16 |
Revenge of Others Korean Drama | 0.0 | 1/12 |
Tempted Korean Drama | 0.0 | 20/32 |
The Day of Becoming You Chinese Drama | 0.0 | 20/26 |
The Devil Judge Korean Drama | 10 | 12/16 |
The King: Eternal Monarch Korean Drama | 0.0 | 4/16 |
Yumi's Cells Korean Drama | 0.0 | 3/14 |
Title | Score | Progress |
Angry Mom Korean Drama | 6.0 | 0/16 |
Anna Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/6 |
Eulachacha Waikiki Korean Drama | 3.5 | 3/20 |
EXO Next Door Korean Drama | 5.5 | 0/16 |
School 2017 Korean Drama | 4.5 | 13/16 |
Top Management Korean Drama | 7.5 | 0/16 |